Information | Communication | Transparency | Accountability

A Movement By Citizens  Demanding Transparency, Accountability, and Community Engagement of Central CUSD301 in Burlington, Illinois.

Building A Better District is a citizen-led movement in Kane County, Illinois, and is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, CCUSD301 administration or Board of Education. 

Better Plans Exist For Our District With A Lesser Price Tag & Lesser RISK

We believe there are better, less expensive options with lesser risk that will serve our community better in the coming years.  Building A Better District has put together an alternative option for the community to consider, only to demonstrate that other alternatives DO exist for our district!  

This is just for the purposes of discussion.   Any final options should be based on an independent enrollment forecast and facilities analysis across the entire district and from there, restart discussions with our community about what it wants the school district to offer.  This is how we believe a good process starts, with very conceptual ideas and possibilities rather than nearly finished plans.  Please remember these are just starting points for discussion and we welcome your thoughts, input, questions, and suggestions!  E-mail them to us!

Capital Improvement Plan Using Route 47 Property 

Watch the Presentation of Our Phased Plan Example

Click here to watch the video if it doesn't not play in the frame below.

Please note: the costs of future phases will vary depending on when they are built, the scope of each project, and what the community wants to see included in those phases, therefore costs for those phases are not determinable at this time.

Potential For CHS Campus Expansion in the Future

Central High School will be able to accommodate up to 1900 students with the opening of the new 20-classroom addition in Fall 2024. 

  • This will allow for up to 10 more years of growth even at a rate of 3%. 
  • Cafeteria, auditorium, and parking improvement can be addressed on the current CHS campus.
  • This allows us to maintain use of the brand new field house built in 2018, improve and add parking for sporting and other events, add 48,000 sq.ft. of space for a CTE wing, a 25 meter pool or additional classrooms (with additional space available for additional square footage for classrooms) or other facilities as driven by the input of the larger community.  
  • REMEMBER:  Central High School was designed and engineered to accommodate a THIRD FLOOR and that option is not represented in the image below.  Adding that floor could provide room for another 400 students (16 classrooms) in the future, meaning CHS could remain our high school campus for decades to come.  While cost and logistical challenges may exist, this is an option that should be explored for the future as the community paid to have that feature.

This visual should show what the possibilities are at our existing CHS campus today and encourage those that would like to maintain our recent $22 million investment in Central High School that expansion IS possible.

The Advantages...

  1. All district facilities will be age-designed and age-appropriate – no conversions from one building type to another
  2. Potential for aquatics, expanded fine arts, and expanded CTE or classroom facilities at expanded CHS – some of which are not in current District high school proposal 
  3. No further long-term use of 70+ year old CMS building
  4. Flexibility to respond to future growth by implementing any or all of Phase 2-3 plan components according to actual growth 
  5. Sale of District administration center property - potential community / park usage

We welcome your input, questions, and suggestions!  E-mail them to us!

About us

We are a local group dedicated to cultivating an empowered and engaged community of parents and taxpayers to build an environment of transparency, accountability, and communication within Central Community Unified District 301 (D301), representing the unified voice of the people for a successful and sustainable future.


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Contact us

Building A Better District is a volunteer community group advocating for transparency, honesty, accountability, and community engagement from Central CUSD 301 in Burlington, IL.

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