A Movement By Citizens  Demanding Transparency, Accountability, and Community Engagement for Central CUSD 301/Burlington in the State of Illinois.Building A Better District is a taxpayer-led movement and is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the Illinois State or Kane County Regional Board of Education, nor any individual school district, or administration/Board of Education. 


We strongly encourage our community to watch the footage of the Board of Education meeting from January 21, 2025.


Learn About the 10 Candidates Running on the April 1, 2025, Ballot!
Board of Education Candidates Page LIVE!

Make a #RocketResolution for 2025!

2025 is well underway and we are asking our community to make a #RocketResolution this year!

  Make a plan to attend at least ONE board meeting in person (bring a friend!).

  Make a point to watch the BOE meetings live or watch the playback every month.

  Take the time to review the meeting agenda in Board Book each month to see what topics are being discussed and review attachments and reports. (Go to and click on the BoardBook LINK from the home page).

  Make a public comment on an issue that is important to you in front of the board (it doesn't have to be a critique -- give props to a teacher, staff member, or administrator that has made a difference to you or your student(s), give a recommendation on something you'd like to see improved, throw ideas out there for extracurriculars you'd like to see available, raise attention to a problem you think needs review).

 We need all of YOU to stay engaged beyond the referendum!

Make a #RocketResolution this year!

building a better district takes TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, & TRUST - and YOU!

Support Our Work With A Donation

Better Options Exist For Our District - See Our Sample Plan For An Expanded CHS Campus

We believe there are better, less expensive options that will serve our community better in the coming years.  Building A Better District has put together an alternative option for the community to consider, if only to demonstrate that other alternatives DO exist for our district! 

Take a look at yet another option to address our growth needs based on the data received from RSP & Associates:  Expand our elementary schools, make Prairie Knolls Middle School a "unified" middle school, address some issues at Central High School.  It's an interesting concept!Watch our presentation to see a vision that meets our current needs and may REDUCE our taxes, not add to them to show our community we CAN find other solutions.

Building A Better District On A Strong Foundation:  the Village of Burlington, IL

Between January and March 2024, Building A Better District has had the opportunity to communicate with hundreds of residents across our amazing school district.  From texts to Facebook messages, e-mails, phone calls, and in-person meetings, we were humbled over and over by the depth of roots that exist here.   Thanks to our work on the recent referendum, Andy, Chuck, and I had the unbelievable experience of meeting so many people in our community that we never would have met and for that we are thankful.

We had the opportunity to meet a private citizen from Burlington who paid out of their own pocket to have the CHS Rockets logo painted on the Burlington water tower.  This citizen no longer had children in the district, but felt it was a way to show Burlington's connection to and support of Central CUSD301. 

Who would know this story if you moved here in the last 5 to 10 years? Maybe even before that? How would you know just how deep and strong the roots run here in Burlington? This story has stayed with us  as we have listened to some say those without kids in school don't care about our district.  While that might be true in other districts, when it comes to Central nothing could be further from the truth.  

It struck us that the Burlington water tower and its homage to the Rockets is located in a place many families with children on the east side never see.  We hope that everyone will take a moment to appreciate the rich history of our community and realize that we have thousands of homeowners here that have a vested interest in supporting smart fiscal investments in our school district. 

We maybe be Central today, but before Central, we were Burlington and Plato Center and our district is built upon their strong foundations.  There are many families here that remember those days, who attended those schools, who had children that attended those schools, and now have grandchildren attending 301 schools...and they are STILL here supporting our school district we are all so lucky to be a part of. 

Let's do our best to welcome each other to the table to find solutions to all of the challenges we might face here together.  Our lives will be richer for it and our community will be strong for it!

Read the Village of Burlington's Comprehensive Plan 2022